sábado, 26 de junho de 2010

"Wake from your bed, and raise your head"

People Are Strange...

Behind Holocaust

The most evil crime ever committed...


"Without a Coca-Cola Life Is Unthinkable"

Sailing around the world in a dirty gondola
To be back in the land of Coca-Cola!

sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2010

Psicadelismo Surreal.

Música no papel.


Dizem que se aprende com os melhores.

Não são copias, são apenas outras simples versões.
Os originais destes desenhos são todos de Tim Burton.





quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010

"A poet looks at the world the way a man looks a woman."
Wallace Stevens

"Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel."
Jimi Hendrix

"Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."
Billy Crystal

"Earth laughs in flowers."
Ralph Emerson

"Decision is a risk rooted in the courage of being free."

Paul Tillich

"Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind."
Jim Morrison

"It's not about retro or modern, it's about this note or that note, which sounds better?
Dan Hicks